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Web Marketing

The network presence is neither optional nor secondary, at least for those companies that want to deal with the modern scenario.


The web marketing is the field of brand promotion activities, which uses the contact of the Network to examine and expand business relationships with promotions, advertising, distribution, sales, customer service… all through the communication channel of the Web.

The modern company must carefully evaluate which marketing strategy to adopt for its reality and build a lasting relationship with its customers based on its loyalty, be able to share its brand as a reliable brand and give it the opportunity to build an image linked to quality products and services.

The multimedia and the interactivity of the web lend themselves very well to building significant contacts for their business. It’s only on the web that you can think of implementing a one-to-one strategy, collecting and updating all the necessary information on individual customers and customize communication with each of them. At the same time, the web allows the viral propagation of trends and information, creating communities around shared interests. That’s why we believe that web marketing is an activity that has become essential to always combine with traditional advertising to increase its visibility both locally and internationally.

The strategy behind a web marketing project is to get the site the maximum visibility and conversions . Consistently with the goal, the main strategy is to bring your website to the top of the pages of the results of a search engine, in order to make them more visible than those of its competitors, show the brand and / or products on advertising channels related to the navigation of the user on social sites and sites that allow the display of appropriate spaces. The activities that characterize web marketing are optimization, positioning, search engine marketing, pay per click, banner campaigns, affiliate programs, e-mail marketing … It is among the skills of web marketing any action planning that has as its goal the return on the project online.

Competences and technologies used:

Below are some of the solutions we have proposed: