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Ferca Soc. Coop

B2B portal for Ferca

We have been working with Ferca since 2009

Ferca was founded in 1973, with headquarters in Limena (PD), at the behest of some far-sighted retailers in the hardware and tooling industry who believe that the only lifeline is to be UNITED to fight the G.D.O. (Large Organized Distribution) and competition in general, increasingly fierce.


B2B software for purchasing groups

Ferca has adopted our B2B web program since 2009, the software has grown thanks to the continuous collaboration and implementations carried out over the years in terms of functionality and technological innovation.

Our B2B portal is specific for medium to large consortia, affiliations and purchasing groups.

  • Automate order collection.
  • Promote stock disposal.
  • Communicate more effectively with your customers.
  • Increase your turnover and reduce some items of expenditure.
  • Provide those services that are too expensive or very difficult to achieve with traditional methods.


Pubblicato il 24 May 2015
